ціннісні орієнтири

Ensuring the effectiveness of professionalization of local self-government officials

Introduction. The decentralization reform and the development of the local self- government system fundamentally changed the management tasks assigned to officials of local self-government bodies. These changes were most clearly manifested after the unification of territorial communities, which actualizes the problem of professionalization of officials, their ability to effectively exercise power and management powers in the conditions of a fast-moving environment.

Valuable guidelines of law in the formation of human behavior

The article defines the impact of value orientations of law on the formation of human behavior through the prism of the main concepts of legal understanding. It has been found that the nature of legal values occurs in several alternative axiological approaches, of which the most well-founded are the objectivist and subjectivist concepts. Thus, the first determines that values exist objectively, that is, regardless of the subject's consciousness, and he only correctly or incorrectly evaluates them and applies them in everyday life.