
Взаємодія вітрових потоків з огороджувальними конструкціями висотних будівель

This article describes the formula determining the temperature, velocity and force of wind flow around the buildings. The dependence of wind speed and temperature difference, showing the distribution of aerodynamic coefficients on the facade of the building in different directions of wind flow. The basic building envelope and the effect of surface roughness on the flow around buildings.

Theoretical and applied principles of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals

In the article the actuality of antici¬patory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals in modern highly dynamic, uncertain and unpredictable operating conditions is grounded. The concept of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals by the process-structured approach is formulated. The methodology of evaluation of anticipatory management effectiveness implemen¬tation at the enterprises is characterized and the most popular results of anticipatory management fulfillment at investigated enterprises are shown.