communicative culture

Substantial approach to the problem of human formation

On the basis of substantial approach analyzes the problem of formation of the person. The basic social and environmental determinants of human formation and thus proved the continuity of their relationships and the very convention division. Analyzed the relationship between the concepts of “social”, “society”, “culture”, done by analyzing a large amount of literature reasoned conclusions on theoretical controversies regarding scientific interpretations of the aforementioned concepts.

Proof (evidence) and refutation as types of argumentation

Specialists in industry of communicative linguistics, logic, eristic consider that proof (evidence) as a logical and methodological form of scientific cognition in the broadest sense is the process of establishing objective truth through practical and theoretical actions and tools. In a narrow interpretation, bringing called reasoning that establishes the truth of certain allegations by pointing to other allegations, the truth of which is already proven.

Methodology study and development communication culture

A communicative turn in modern philosophy from subjectivity to subjectivities envisages the different conceptual going both near communication and to the forms and facilities of her recreation that touches deep vital orientations and has free character. Therefore world view of attitude in industry of communicative philosophy consists foremost in that legal rationalism lines up on the improved universal human rights, legal legitimation of power, free discussion of moral and political alternatives.