
Investigation of crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies of Ukraine

In order to improve the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by convicts in the correctional colonies of Ukraine, to solve problematic issues that arise during the investigation of such crimes, there was a need to develop new scientifically based recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of combating crime, in particular recidivism, as well as improvement of the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of the pretrial investigation body during the investigation of such crimes.

On some duties of the state authorities that relateto the execution of punishment in the form of deprivation of right huggingcertain positions or engage certain activities on convicts in the sphereof pension and social legislation of Ukraine

In the article, based on the analysis of the content of the duties specified by the law for
probation bodies, the problem issues concerning the execution of a sentence in the form of
deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in appropriate activities
regarding those convicted of crimes in the sphere of pensions and social security of Ukraine, as
well as Proposed scientifically substantiated measures on their solution in essence.