control theory

Viable control of COVID-19 spread with vaccination

The rapid and widespread transmission of COVID-19 has necessitated the development and implementation of effective control measures.  Vaccination has emerged as a key tool in combating the pandemic.  This article introduces a novel approach to modeling the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission by integrating vaccination strategies into the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) framework using viability theory.  We have defined a set of constraints including a guaranteed level of vaccination, we analyze the impact of different vaccination rates on curbing the spread of the vi

Construction of Open-Loop Electromechanical System Fundamental Matrix and Its Application for Calculation of State Variables Transients

The article considers the methods of calculating the transition matrix of a dynamic system, which is based on the transient matrix representation by the matrix exponent and on the use of the system signal graph. The advantages of the transition matrix calculating using a signal graph are shown. The application of these methods to find the transition matrix demonstrated on the simple electromechanical system example.