digital image processing

Quantitative assessment of the visual quality of digital images based on the laws of human visual perception

The existing methods of quantitative assessment of the visual quality of digital images are studied. Among the main shortcomings of the studied methods, the following can be singled out. Most of them require a reference image, do not include all the components that affect visual quality and do not take into consideration the laws of human visual perception. It was decided to develop a method for quantitative assessment of the visual quality of images, which will work without a reference image and will take into account the regularities of human visual perception.

Цифрове опрацювання візуальних зображень з метою ефективного відділення об'єктів від фону

The digital visual images processing method for effective objects extraction from the background is considered. The method consists in a specific combination of filtering operations and histogram equalization. It facilitates objects extraction from background in the images, which are obtained in different environmental conditions.