
On the asymptotic output sensitivity problem for a discrete linear systems with an uncertain initial state

This paper studies a finite-dimensional discrete linear system whose initial state $x_0$ is unknown.  We assume that the system is augmented by two output equations, the first one $z_i$ being representing measurements made on the unknown state of the system and the other $y_i$ being representing the corresponding output.  The purpose of our work is to introduce two control laws, both in closed-loop of measurements $z_i$ and whose goal is to reduce asymptotically the effects of the unknown part of the initial state $x_0$.  The approach that we present consists of both th

Computation of positive stable realizations for discrete-time linear systems

Sufficient conditions for the existence of positive stable realizations for given proper transfer matrices are established. Two methods are proposed for determination of the positive stable realizations for given proper transfer matrices. The effectives of the proposed procedures is demonstrated on numerical examples.

Positive fractional and cone fractional linear systems with delays

The positive and cone fractional continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are addressed. Sufficient conditions for the reachability of positive and cone fractional continuous-time linear systems are given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity and asymptotic stability of the continuous-time linear systems with delays are established. The realization problem for positive fractional continuous-time systems is formulated and solved.

Analysis of positivity and stability of discrete-time and continuous-time nonlinear systems

The positivity and asymptotic stability of discrete-time and continuous-time nonlinear systems are addressed. Sufficient conditions for the positivity and asymptotic stability of the nonlinear systems are established. The proposed stability tests are based on an extension of the Lyapunov method to the positive nonlinear systems. The effectiveness of the tests are demonstrated on examples.