дискретна математика


The available means of ordering and sorting in some important sections of discrete mathematics and computer science are studied, namely: in the set theory, classical mathematical logic, proof theory, graph theory, POST method, system of algorithmic algebras, algorithmic languages of object-oriented and assembly programming. The Cartesian product of sets, ordered pairs and ordered n-s, the description by means of set theory of an ordered pair, which are performed by Wiener, Hausdorff and Kuratowski, are presented. The requirements as for the relations that order sets are described.

Modern information and communication technologies in the educational process at the example of a web-applique for discipline “Discrete Mathematics”

The question of modernization in education is interesting not just for educators and not just in Ukraine. Nowadays it is widely discussed the idea of cardinal changes in educational sphere and the necessity of changes in teaching approaches themselves taking into consideration the specific of information perception by a person who lives in the age of informational society with a high level of informational service, accessibility to any source of reliable information, visualization of the given Рис. 7.