Modification of Silicon Surface with Silver, Gold and Palladium Nanostructures via Galvanic Substitution in DMSO and DMF Solutions

The investigation results of silver, palladium and gold nanoscale particles deposition on the silicon surface in the DMSO and DMF media are presented. The influence of organic aprotic solvents on the geometry of metal particles and their distribution on the substrate is described. It is shown that solutions of stable metal complexes ([Ag (CN)2] – , [AuCl4] – ) are the main factor in the formation of discrete nanoparticles with a small range of sizes and uniform distribution along the substrate surface, as well as nanostructured films.

Електрохімічне одержання наночастинок золота у dmf розчинах

The obtaining of nanostructured gold in dimethylformamide solutions of HAuCl4 has been investigated. The morphology of gold deposited by chronoamperometry and pulse regime of deposition on the glassy carbon surface was studied. It is established, with growth of cathodic potential values at constant electrical mass the quantity of gold particles is increased and a tendency to agglomeration at stationary electrolysis is observed. Pulse electrodeposition mode allows to obtaining gold nanoparticles with relatively the same geometry and a uniform distribution over the surface.