
Scientific and theoretical rationale for the formation of the principle of cooperation and partnership in civil legal relations

One of the core elements of civil law are its principles. The system of civil law principles is subject to a constant change. Its number, as well as the number of other civil legal institutes, becomes broader and extensive. One may find scientific theoretical discussion about the formation of cooperation principle and principle of partnership in civil and other types of relations. The legal forms of interaction between the subjects of social relations are different and they are known in all branches of law.

Description of organization of building-repair works as objects of building-technical examination from determination of character of their implementation

A question is considered in relation to realization of research by an expert by a builder from determination of character of building-repair works. Legal frameworks are described in relation to determination of order of realization of building-repair works. The process of stowage of corresponding a project is an estimate documents is outlined for realization of building-repair works. The order of registration of agreements is certain for realization of building-repair works and acceptance of their implementation.