дорожньо-транспортні пригоди

Effectiveness of Measures to Prevent Road Accidents: an Overview of Current Strategies and Approaches

This article investigates the problem of road traffic accidents (RTA) and reviews current strategies and approaches to prevent and reduce them. The significance of this problem is that the health of road users and the safety of vehicle traffic on roads is one of the most important global societal issues, especially with the continuous growth in the number of vehicles and the pace of urban activity. The article examines various aspects of road traffic accident prevention, including legal, technical, psychological and educational measures.

Complex assessment of road transport hazards

In this paper, it is proposed to carry out the assessment of road transport hazards using the minimization of the negative impact by three main components: impact of changes in emissions of toxic elements of pollutants from the exhaust gases of car engines, change of noise pollution of the environment and change of the number of accidents.