european values

Ukrainian eurocentrism: the first attempts of political realisation of the idea (1917–1921)

The problem of implementation into national legal practice the state-revolutionary era
of “Western” values of democracy, separation of powers, rule of law and human rights is
researched. The direction of this political development is noted to have been natural for the
Ukrainian people, in comparison with others. The Ukrainian Eurocentrism is concluded to
have been essentially ukrayinotsentryzm a hundred years ago and today

Ukrainian eurocentrism: the first attempts of political realisation of the idea (1917–1921)

The direction of this political development is noted to have been natural for the Ukrainian people, in comparison with others. The Ukrainian Eurocentrism is concluded to have been essentially ukrayinotsentryzm a hundred years ago and today.

Vyacheslav Lipinsky, as the ideologist of the ukrainian conservatism

The article is devoted to the question concerning the analysis of contemporary political and legal views, ideological and theoretical scientific heritage by V.Lypynsky and his proposal to draft a sovereign and democratic Ukraine. Special attention is given for using of conservative ideology to build Ukrainian democratic, legal, prosperous European state.