фінансова безпека

Financial security as an object of financial criminal offenses

The article considers financial security as an object of financial criminal offenses based on a comprehensive systemic analysis in the context of economic reform. Evolutionary, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods of research of criminal-legal phenomena are used in the research. Measures of criminal legal protection of the country's financial system are currently not effective, they do not take into account the changes that are taking place in the field of financial activity of the state, which leads to a change in the object of financial criminal offenses.

Prevention of offenses by means of administrative law in the financial and economic sphere

The purpose of this article is to obtain results in the application of scientific analysis of theoretical-methodological and administrative-legal principles of prevention of offenses in the financial and economic sphere by means of administrative law. The scientific basis of the study of prevention of offenses in the financial and economic sphere by means of administrative law is presented.

Правові питання розв’язання проблем фінансової безпеки України

У статті розглянуто важливі питання щодо ролі і місця фінансової безпеки як
складового елементу національної безпеки держави та важливості прийняття Закону
«Про Національне бюро фінансової безпеки України». Визначено позитивні і негативні
сторони цього законопроекту та його можливий вплив на стан фінансових