

The article considers aspects of the perception of space from the standpoint of gender, and their impact on the formation of a quality living environment. The results of a sociological study are presented, which indicate the existence of differences in the requirements for the formation of the urban environment of housing and the assessment of its qualities by men and women. 


Synonymy in the terminology system of gender linguistics

The article deals with the phenomenon of synonymy in the terminology system of gender linguistics. The existence of absolute and relative synonyms is stated, their structural models are presented. It is emphasized that at the present stage of the terminology system development the synonymy plays a positive role, since it allows the search of the most optimal nominations, in particular the specific matching of borrowings, stimulating the creation of its own terminology. Also the terminological variability, which unlike synonymy does not belong to system-forming relations is analyzed

Formation of gender linguistics term system

In the article the gender linguistics term system is considered. Some of the problems in the terminology formation, including difficulties in identifying its composition, the presence of a significant number of synonyms and variations, differences regarding definitions and spelling of certain terms are outlined. It’s emphasized that the analyzed term system while in its infancy requires a comprehensive study, normalization and standardization.

The problem of gender equality: new challenges and threats

According to sociological data, the majority of Ukraine’s population has the highest level of confidence in a Church and shares traditional Christian views on the composition of the family, education of children, the role of a mother and a father in children’s education. Therefore, the paper focuses on the understanding of gender equality through the prism of the Christian worldview.