
Solid Solutions Formation Mechanism in Cordierite-Mullite Glass Materials During Ceramization

Relevance of the development of high-strength glass-ceramic coatings obtained by resource-saving technology for protective elements has been established. Structure formation mechanism in magnesium aluminosilicate glasses during heat treatment has been analyzed. Selection of the system was substantiated, model glasses and glass-ceramic materials on its base have been developed. Patterns of structure regularity and formation of the phase composition of glass-ceramic materials during their ceramization have been investigated.

Glass-Ceramic Materials on the Lithium Disilicate Basis: Achievements and Development Prospects

The current state of developments and the prospects of using glass-ceramics based on lithium disilicate were analyzed. The choice of R2O–RO–RO2–R2O3–P2O5–SiO2 system for model glasses was justified. The structure of glasses after heat treatment in connection with their physico-chemical properties was studied. The developed lithiumsilicate glass-ceramic materials were characterized by high performance properties and can be used as transparent armor.