
Identification of a lawyer with a client as a violation of the rights and guarantees of lawyer activity

The article is devoted to highlighting one of the actual problems of identifying a lawyer with a client. The European direction of the development of Ukraine as a legal state actualizes the problems of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the participants in the judicial process, as well as their effective protection against socially dangerous encroachments. A bar exists to provide professional legal assistance in Ukraine.

Human right to health protection: features of legal regulation in individual EU states

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the general theoretical and constitutional-legal foundations of the regulation of the human right to health care in the states of the European Union, in particular, the specifics of its implementation are determined with the aim of possible implementation into the national legislation of Ukraine. It was found that international legal acts, which were developed and adopted within the EU and the Council of Europe, play a special role for the EU states in the field of health care.

The institution of responsibility of the state to a person as the forma realization guarantees of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen

The article deals with the modern approaches to the formation of the institution of responsibility of the state to a person. The author made an attempt to analyze the relationship “person – state” in the field of implementation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. It is proved that one of the reason of the irresponsibility of the state in this context is the absence of effective mechanisms of realization of such responsibility.

About legally responsible for breach of warranty or compensation of subjects labor relations in Ukraine

The article deals with issues related to the problems of implementation of workers’ rights in terms of providing guarantees and compensations for the period of employment, as well as existing types of liability for their violation. Treat the symptoms of legal liability for the violation of guarantees and compensations in the employment relationship. Attention is paid to the use of legal enforcement against violators of labor legislation.