heat absorber


Increasing the efficiency of solar heat supply systems is one of the important problems of solar energy. The research presented in this article is aimed at improving the efficiency of hybrid solar collectors without a transparent coating for building heating systems. One of the key challenges in the field of solar energy is the development of new technologies to ensure high collection of solar energy and to integrate it into traditional heating and hot water systems.

Вплив конструкції теплопоглинача на ефективність геліоколектора

This article deals with the impact on the effectiveness of the design absorber of solar collector particular importance researched placements of tube circuit. The feasibility of using solar energy in Ukraine was analyzed. Of the existing types of renewable energy most promising scale resources, environmental friendliness and prevalence is solar energy. This is confirmed by a number of experimental studies conducted in the field of solar power. The amount of solar energy that comes to Earth is bigger than the energy of the world’s oil, gas, coal and other energy resources.