

The paper presents an analysis and research on the performance of a WEB platform and the efficiency of using cloud technologies and microservice architecture. The study examines the key aspects of transitioning from a monolithic architecture to the microservices and cloud technologies, including the decomposition of the system into independent services, which improves data processing and storage and allows for greater efficiency. Additionally, a comparative performance analysis of the system using both architectural approaches is conducted.

Energy Security of Ukraine: Environmental and Military Threats

This paper discusses the role of energy security in national security. It is posited that the latter
should be positioned much more broadly than economic security, because currently in the Russian-
Ukrainian war, the aggressor state has chosen the energy infrastructure as the purpose of conducting an
armed struggle, which violates the norms of international humanitarian law regarding harm to the
civilian population. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country into Ukraine,

Prospects of using public and private partnership for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the post-war period

Problem statement. Because of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian people and the authorities face demanding challenges regarding the reconstruction of the country. One of the main priorities during the recovery in the post- war period is to find new, alternative sources of financing, in particular, using the advantages of public and private partnership (PPP).

Development prospects for the Ukrainian road market for cargo transport - SWOT / TOWS analysis

Artykuł prezentuje analizę strategiczną ukraińskiego rynku drogowego transportu ładunków dla okresu sprzed wojny i w perspektywie jej zakończenia, tj. dla okresu po wojnie. W tym celu analizą objęto takie obszary jak sam rynek, tu głównie popyt i tabor, a także jego otoczenie, tu krajowe i międzynarodowe uregulowania prawne i infrastruktura. Natomiast dla okresu powojennego uwzględniono potencjalną skalę zniszczeń, deklarowaną pomoc materialną ze strony innych państw, a także perspektywy wejścia Ukrainy do Unii Europejskiej.