
Information currency converter based on Telegram messenger

The work is dedicated to the development of a mobile chatbot containing an information currency converter, designed for use by a wide range of people. A chatbot is a subject-oriented text-based dialog interface that allows a user to perform a limited set of tasks: getting information about the current rate of currencies (USD or EUR) relative to the national currency and finding out the current rate of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin) in dollars or euros.

Decentralized smart contract software service using ETHEREUM blockchain non-fungible tokens

The decentralized technologies of the Ethereum blockchain were analyzed, based on the principles of which a decentralized software service solution was proposed using a smart contract implemented in the specialized Solidity programming language. This contract acts as one of the elements of the server-client application and is the server part for processing methods of interaction with the Ethereum blockchain. The methods include a set of various functions, including for interacting with a collection of non-fungible tokens.

Vulnerability of Virtual Assets to Illicit Financial Flows

Over the last few years, virtual assets have become more widespread in the market, which has manifested itself both in the growth of transactions with them and in the rapid growth of the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market. The international community and individual governments have introduced regulations for the virtual asset market, but the degree of transparency remains low. This poses risks of using virtual assets as a tool for various schemes of money laundering or terrorist financing.


Cryptocurrency draws a lot of attention from both the academic community and investors, government regulators and the general public. It is not yet fully understood whether it is a type of digital financial asset or a new form of money. The legal status of cryptocurrency varies substantially across countries, and is uncertain in Ukraine.

Innovative Transactions of the Future With Cryptocurrency

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is gaining popularity. Used for a few years, it has been independent, anonymous, resistant to influence of banks or governments. The paper presents digital value carriers that have only a form of computer readable information and do not have a material equivalent (e.g. banknotes, coins or tokens).