landscape architecture


For a rather long time it has been declared that the environment created by a man is much more comfortable and better for life. Insane industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries favoured active development of cities which covered big territories with construction of new districts. Nowadays cities do not develop so actively from the outside, new objects are attempted to be integrated with already existing architecture environment.

The parterre on the svobody avenue – “Visiting card” of modern Lviv

Lviv at the turn of 19-20 centuries underwent active urban development, becoming a significant European cultural center. This period was marked by the construction of a number of interesting large-scale, highly artistic architectural and urban ensembles which until now play an important role in building self-identification of the city and its inhabitants. A special place in Lviv is occupied by Prospekt Svobody (Svobody Avenue, Liberty Avenue) ,which unfortunately is not have the status of protected sight. 

Landscape architecture objects in city morphology formation

The article describes the urban development of  Lviv in the historical context, the place and the role of garden art objects and landscape architecture in the development of which the famous City Gardener and the Inspector of  Urban Spaces Arnold Rӧhring was involved at the turn of the XIX - XXth centuries, namely Kilinskyj park(now Stryjskyj park), Hetmanski Valy , Zalizna Voda park etc.