

The article presents results of the research of themes of Ukrainian-language terms fixed in numerous articles, books and reports during scientific conferences since 1958 till 2018 by 156 Olexandra Serbenska, the famous representative of Ukrainian scholl of terminology, valid member of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society, professor of Lviv Ivan Franko national university, distinguished professor of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, academician of Ukrainian academy of higher education.

Some of the features of administrative legal status subjects of tax relations

In the scientific article the specific features of administrative and legal status of tax relations. The concept of “legal” and “legal tax entity”.
Reveals the characteristics of tax relations. Emphasized that the tax relationship are defined by categories such as object relationship, the subject of relationships, rights and duties of relationships, the base of relations.

Scientific heritage supporters creative works of boris chicherin

The article from the standpoint of modern knowledge and science, excellence in legal practice investigates the philosophical and legal and historical heritage supporters and followers as an outstanding scholar of natural law, and state-legal figure – Borisа Nikolayevichа Chicherinа. The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars dedicated to scientific heritage of the famous philosopher.