logistic system

Routing transportation with advanced technology

Defined purpose logistics which is improves the efficiency of the organization and the economics. The necessity of developing several options for routes, due to the delay of cars in traffic jams and unnecessary fuel consumption of vehicles experiencing significant losses. The essence of traffic congestion and its many negative consequences, such as a waste of time, the inability to predict the exact time of the trip, wasted fuel pollutes the air, etc. Demonstrated by the example of company “Kyivkhlib” cargo transportation in the city on three routes and suggests optimal.

Conceptual principles of risk management in logistic system of enterprise

Theoretical principles of logistic risks are analyzed, description of logistic risk as an economic category is formed. Classification of logistic risks is offered, within its limits logistic risks are distinguished (by the types of streams and components of different level logistic system), and non-logistic risks – external (risks, the sources of which are suppliers, consumers and economic environment).