

Wireless MESH networks are important for providing communication in conditions where communication infrastructure is limited or absent. In such networks, encryption key management plays an important role in ensuring the security of data transmission. The work analyzes existing approaches to encryption key management in wireless networks and proposes a method for optimal key update. The method was tested on the LoRa EBYTE SX1262 chip with the ESP-WROOM-32. Algorithms for predicting update time were used.

Розробка безпровідної системи завадостійкої сигналізації на базі технології LORA

The paper is devoted to the development of a wireless noise-proof system with feedback based on LoRa
technology. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the issue of protecting your property from burglars is
always on the agenda. It is also important that the alarm system is universal, it should also be an inexpensive
thing that would pay for itself in a short period of time, while at the same time providing a high level of
protection. Currently, the next problem is that to buy even a simple protection system you will have to pay