мобільна платформа

Method and means of testing specialized components of a mobile robotics platform at operating clock frequencies

Processes of development of test scenarios, selection of technological means of testing hardware and software of specialized components of mobile robotic platform are analyzed. The methods and means of testing specialized components of the mobile robotic platform when operating at working clock frequencies are studied. It is improved the method of testing the hardware and software of the specialized components of the mobile robotics platform.

Methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time on a mobile platform

The problem of choosing methods for tracking recognized objects in real-time for systems with limited hardware capabilities is considered. It was determined that for such scenarios, it is appropriate to integrate tracking methods into the device, bypassing data transmission via the Internet.

Existing methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time are considered. Among the performance evaluation metrics, the following were used: MOTA, MOTP, F1, MT, ML, ID, and FM.