охоронні системи

Creation of Interfaces of Security Systems of Multi-apartment Buildings Using the Person Method

The article explores the process of creating interfaces for security systems in apartment buildings using the persona method and user classification through the random forest method. The persona method allows for segmenting users based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics, providing deeper insight into the needs of different groups and enabling the creation of personalized interfaces for effective interaction with the system. The random forest method is used to select key criteria that influence user classification and optimize the system according to their needs.

Determination of boundary conditions for the radiation pattern of a microelectro-optical intelligent passive infrared motion detector

In this paper, a block diagram of a microelectro-optical intelligent passive infrared motion detector is proposed. On the basis of the proposed structural scheme and analytically conducted synthetic processing of information from primary sources [5-17], boundary conditions for the directivity diagram of such a detector are determined. The analytical information collected in this article will be necessary for further modeling in computer-aided design with a view to new developments and improvements to existing motion detectors

Determination of Basic Parameters and Their Boundary Conditions of Modern Passive Infrared Motion Detectors

The principle of work of modern passive infrared motion detectors of the known world manufacturers is considered; their peculiarities and fields of use are indicated. Both the typical structural and schematic diagrams are given. The basic parameters of modern passive infrared motion detectors and their boundary conditions have been determined based on the principle of operation of the detector and the synthetic processing of information from primary sources. The boundary conditions for the number of rays of the near middle and far zones of the pattern of motion detectors are given.

Оцінювання вірогідності виявлення порушення стану об’єкту

Розглянуто типові параметри сенсорів охоронних систем, які характеризують належну якість виявлення факту проникнення на об’єкт. Оцінено зміни ймовірності виявлення порушення стану об’єкту  у залежності від числа спостережень, відстані та різних швидкостей порушника.