
Scientific heritage supporters creative works of boris chicherin

The article from the standpoint of modern knowledge and science, excellence in legal practice investigates the philosophical and legal and historical heritage supporters and followers as an outstanding scholar of natural law, and state-legal figure – Borisа Nikolayevichа Chicherinа. The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars dedicated to scientific heritage of the famous philosopher.

The methodology of scientific analysis of the system of parliamentarism

The article is devoted to the methodology of scientific analysis of the system of
parliamentarism and separation core component of the parliament. It is proved that the
formation of scientific and practical paradigm of the parliament in a parliamentary system
occurs with the use of a wide range of basic scientific approaches of collecting and processing
materials of legal reality. The attention is focused on the fact that methodological pluralism (a combination of philosophical, general scientific and special methods) becomes the basis of

Acculturation in law (theoretical, cultural and anthropological aspects)

Rising problem of legal acculturation in general theoretical perspective, highlights the essential characteristics, specifying the types of the process and social conditioning. Particular attention is paid to the advantages and disadvantages of legal acculturation as a process of 165 interaction between legal cultures and legal systems. Attention is focused on the anthropological approach to the process of acculturation, because with this approach we can determine the essential characteristics of the phenomenon.