Портланд цемент

Composite Materials Based on Phosphogypsum for Constructive Layers of Road Pavement

The article contains research materials on solving the problem of utilization of waste phosphogypsum by using it in the layers of the road base. For this purpose, composite mixtures based on raw dump phosphogypsum were prepared. The composition of the composite mixtures was optimized to maximize the phosphogypsum content. The phosphogypsum was stabilized with ground granulated blast furnace slag and Portland cement.

Peculiarities of Nanomodified Portland Systems Structure Formation

Regulation of hydration processes on nanostructure scale due to the competition adsorption modifying of hydration products by polycarboxylate and adding of nanosized C-S-H nuclei allows promoting homogeneous distribution of solid phase in the structure of cement paste on the micro- and nanolevel, provides the growth of contact amount between hydrates, results rapid structure formation and strength synthesis of Portland cement system.