power unit

The Modes of the Power Supply Scheme of Own Needs During Start-up of the Power Units With an Additional Working Transformer

The efficiency of operation of power units of powerful thermal and nuclear power plants is largely determined by the reliability of power supply systems for their own needs. The main requirements for such systems are maintaining the required voltage level on the busbars of the distribution charters of their own needs and reduction of the time of forced power outages. Ensuring these requirements by the Ukrainian energy sector is complicated by the fact that most of its power plants are operated for a long time, and their equipment is significantly worn out.

Physical Modeling of Power Unit in Power Plant with Auxiliary Transformer

The article shows the option of the first degree transformation scheme in auxiliary power supply systems of the power unit (PU). The power supply to the auxiliary receivers is carried out from the generator through the working and additional working auxiliary transformers (AAT). The method of switching on the latter one provides its operation in the source mode set by the PU current load. Experiments were carried out on a static physical model of the scheme fragment of the auxiliary power supply system with an AAT.