право людини на охорону здоров’я

The Right to Life and the Problem of Legalizing Euthanasia in Ukraine

Abstract. The article highlights the main positions for and against the legalization of euthanasia as a human right to death from different perspectives - social, religious, legal, and moral and ethical. Ukraine, as a democratic state, must comply with the international acts it has ratified and pay attention to the trends in Europe and the world, borrowing from the positive experience of these countries.

Human right to health protection: features of legal regulation in individual EU states

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the general theoretical and constitutional-legal foundations of the regulation of the human right to health care in the states of the European Union, in particular, the specifics of its implementation are determined with the aim of possible implementation into the national legislation of Ukraine. It was found that international legal acts, which were developed and adopted within the EU and the Council of Europe, play a special role for the EU states in the field of health care.