
Features of socio-psychological development of the person as the basis the emergence of criminal liability

Clarifying the socio-psychological aspect of a person always involves study of the patterns of formation of a certain internal structure person and its performance as a regulator of behavior. The formation of this structure of the person occurs gradually from the moment of its birth under the influence of various factors.

To be the subject of any social relationship, man must reach a certain level of psychophysical and social development, which will enable her to be aware of and control her behavior, and therefore be responsible for it.

The definition of administrative coercion for committing and administrative offense

The necessity of fight against administrative crimes in different spheres stipulates actuality of deep and allround research of wide circle of the questions related to application of administrative compulsion. Administrative crimes do not have a large public danger, but they will disorganize activity of state power, trench upon a public peace, rights and freedoms of citizens, property, cause harm to the public relations. Offences present an instant danger to the public relations that is guarded, harm to them.