Precarpathian Depression

The influence of geological structures on the character of the channels of right-bank tributaries of the Dniester river

The proposed study aims to determine the influence of geological structures on the features of the channels of the largest right-bank tributaries of the Dniester River - the Stryi, Bystrytsia, and Limnytsia rivers. For this purpose, we conducted zoning of the river based on morphometric and hydrological characteristics. Three parts were identified: mountainous, pre-mountainous area and plain area, which differ significantly in channel properties, their changes over time, and deformation processes. Objective.

Anisotropic transformations of regional gravi-magnetic fields of the Ukrainian Southeast Carpathian

The aim of the research presented in this article is to analyze the properties and geological informative value of the anisotropic transformations of gravitational and magnetic fields, which use averaging procedures, including analysis of Andreev-Klushin's method. Anisotropic transformations of potential fields are designed to detect and track elongated anomalies or their chains, caused by deep linear dislocations in the geological section.