pressure effects

Influence of uniaxial pressures on dynamic dielectric characteristics of RbHSO4

Within the modified four-sublattice pseudospin model of deformed RbHSO4 ferroelectrics, using the Glauber method and in the mean field approximation we calculate the dynamic dielectric permittivity of a mechanically clamped crystal and explore its dependence on uniaxial  pressures in wide temperature and frequency ranges. A satisfactory quantitative agreement with the experimental data is obtained.

Calculation of transverse piezoelectric characteristics of quasi-one-dimensional glycine phosphite ferroelectric

The model of the glycine phosphite crystal, modified by taking into account of piezoelectric coupling of ordering structure elements with the lattice strains, is used for investigation of piezoelectric characteristics of the crystal. In the frames of two-particle cluster approximation the transverse  piezoelectric coefficients  are calculated. The influences of hydrostatic, uniaxial pressures, shear stresses and transverse electric fields on the transverse  piezoelectric coefficients of the crystal are studied.