рекультивація земель

Monitoring of geological and hydrological conditions and methods of development of sulfur deposits of the Precarpathian basin

Based on monitoring revealed complex geological and hydrological conditions sirkonosnoho Carpathian Basin. Among them special value and have obvodnenist zakarstovanist pool area, a different depth and power of ore formation. Given this, it became necessary to use complex methods of development of individual deposits of sulfur.


System social and environmental assessment of anthropogenic disturbances land

Purpose. The aim of the article is to assess the anthropogenically disturbed lands according to their ecological status and the total value of the result of its socio-economic efficiency use. Methodology. Anthropogenic land disturbance is a consequence of the implementation of specific socio-economic needs of society and, when exhausted, requires further reclamation aimed at eliminating the negative effects of environmental ecological, economic and other types of damages.