remote control

System of Remote Control and Management of Vehicle Functions

The article presents a system of remote control and management of car functions, developed using innovative technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless networks. During the development of the system, technologies such as sensors for monitoring the technical condition of the car, a website for remote access, and microcontrollers for data processing and remote control of the car's functions were used.


A justified hybrid multilevel approach to IoT infrastructure implementation is set to facilitate the achievement of a scalable IoT (Internet of Things) infrastructure, incorporating integration into cloud technologies and services. The localization of hardware-software traffic management means at the lower level of the IoT infrastructure, close to data collection devices, ensures the generation of control influences in real-time, and relieves communication channels at the higher levels of the IoT infrastructure architecture.

Mobile system for spatial orientation of people with vision disorders

Based on the analysis of existing systems for helping blind people to navigate in space, an understanding arose in the creation of a new system that would have a completely different approach to the interaction of a blind user with the existing world. Such a system, having the function of a voice message, provides a blind person with information and thus helps him orientate in space. Existing approaches focus on providing sound signals, which only make it possible to redirect a person in a certain direction, prohibit or allow movement.

Principle of construction of cyberphysical system of control of work of the smart greenhouse

A cyberphysical system is a mechanism that is controlled or tracked by computer algorithms and is closely linked to the Internet and interaction with the physical world. The system describes a combination of three main components: the physical world, the software algorithm and the Internet.

Cyberphysical system of watering with remote control

In today’s reality, the pace of people’s lives is much higher than it was 30 years ago and it is still growing. At the same time, the amount of information also growing. This information should to be processed constantly, daily, as soon it is received. Production volumes are also not standing still. Such a lively pace of life requires process consistency and continuity. And these processes must be provided by man.

Remote Monitoring and Control System of Room Climate Parameters in the Process of Industrial Production

Based on the research and comparative analysis of existing systems, an algorithm for remote monitoring and control of the technological process using IoT technologies is proposed and developed. We consider a system with flexible algorithms, which combines different data protocols using Wi-Fi technology, which allows you to use this type of system in any industry safely with high speed, energy efficiency and without the cost of communication lines.