restriction of human rights

Theoretical and legal aspects of lawful restrictions on the freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence

In article are considered theoretical questions of legitimate restrictions on the right to freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence. Researched that restrictions under international law are exhaustive and no other restrictions are not valid. Limits imposed by national legislation and existing practice should not extend beyond the limits defined by the international acts. The restriction of freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence may be established in respect of the person’s status and territory to which they apply.

Theoretical aspects of restriction of human rights

In article are considered theoretical questions of restriction of human rights. It was found that when considering the problem of restrictions on human rights, it is necessary to distinguish two concepts: the first is to directly limit the rights and the limitations on the exercise of rights. The limitation is the extension of the powers of public authorities, as well as the decrease in rights and freedoms and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities.