рівень безробіття

Gross Domestic Product of Ukraine in the Context of Global Challenges

The article analyses the dynamics of Ukraine's GDP in the light of social and political challenges of recent years. Ukraine's GDP dynamics were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing full-scale russian invasion. The factors that caused a slowdown in economic growth in most regions of the world are also outlined: large-scale quarantine measures, supply chain disruptions, the abolition of fiscal stimulus for economic development, and tight monetary policies of central banks in developed countries.

Social consequences of defaults

The article examines the social consequences that a probable default can have for the country’s population, as well as the essence of the concept of "default", types of defaults, their causes and consequences for the country’s economy in the short and long term. If a default occurs, it becomes necessary to reduce the budget deficit, i.e. to increase revenues or reduce expenditures. But if the economic situation is difficult, then you should not expect more income. Accordingly, the country reduces spending, which means a reduction in social or investment programs of the state.