specific factor

Pecific factor model: general concept and partial consequences

The specific factor model is interesting for its partial consequences in crisis economies. The distribution of factors according to the levels of inter-branch and international mobility allows us to assess the extent to which the movement of homogeneous factors can replace the lack of specific ones in a separate field. Modeling the distribution of specific and homogeneous factors will allow to optimize the structure of export industries and to determine how the change in the global situation will affect the level of real wages in the industries and the cost of their capital.

Specific Factors of Production: the Essence and Features of the Use in the Conditions of Economic Recovery

Modern international trade is becoming more and more complicated, competition on world markets is intensifying, increasing export volumes requires new approaches to managing production factors. The distribution of production factors among economic sectors and the level of their mobility within the country and abroad depend on the evaluation of the factors' characteristics. Factors of production are no longer homogeneous, even the same industry sometimes requires factors with different characteristics.