stretching sheet

An exact solution for unsteady three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic Casson flow of dusty nanofluid over a porous stretching sheet

The unsteady three-dimensional (3D) Casson flow of a nanofluid containing dust particles over a porous, linearly stretching sheet in the presence of an external magnetic field is studied.  It is assumed that the sheet is stretched in both directions along the xy plane.  The governing equations of the two-phase model are partial differential equations that are transformed into ordinary equations using similarity transforms.  The nanofluid is a suspension of water-based nanoparticles.  In this study, we look at how nanoparticle size affect the properties of dusty nanofl

MHD flow of hybrid nanofluid past a stretching sheet: double stratification and multiple slips effects

Studies of hybrid nanofluids flowing over various physical geometries and conditions are popular among researchers to understand the behavior of these fluids.  Thenceforth, the numerical solutions for hybrid Ag-CuO/H2O nanofluid flow over a stretching sheet with suction, magnetic field, double stratification, and multiple slips effects are analyzed in the present study.  Governing equations and boundary conditions are introduced to describe the flow problem.  Then, similarity variables are applied to transform the equations into non-linear ordinary differential equat