територіальні питання в міжвоєнній (1918–1938 рр.) Європі; державно-правовий статус Віленського краю; литовсько-радянські відносини; литовсько-польські відносини у ХХ ст.

Timeo danaos et dona ferentes, or how the Kremlin was friends with independent lithuania against another common thing (1918–1940): historical and historical-legal intelligence

Soviet foreign policy in the interwar (1918–1939) period was carried out on the basis of the strategy and tactics of the "world revolution", which, in turn, provided for the rallying of all "anti-imperialist forces", including the so-called oppressed peoples. While supporting the struggle of the Hindus against the British colonialists or the Chinese Kuomintang against imperial Japan, the Kremlin manipulators did not let the European continent out of their sight.