
Terminology handbooks end of ХХth – beginning of ХХIst century

This article provides an overview of the educational books and textbooks on terminology, textbooks on business language and professional direction of given period, which has relevant sections about terms, terminology and term system. The books, which describes narrow field terminologies, their linguistic peculiarities, formation, development and functioning are reviewed separately.

Linguistic terminology as object of scientific research in the late XX – early XXI century

Linguistic terminology was the object of dissertations which are analysed in the article. These papers touch both description of linguistic terminology system on the whole and in concrete grammars or in the works of scientists of the past in particular. Research of concrete terminology system in diachrony and synchrony is allowed to understand the process of development of linguistic terminology system.

Manuals of terminology studies and educational process

The article presents an overview of manuals that were published in the twenty-first century in Ukraine, defined their structure, peculiarities, purpose. The main focus is on general manuals that serve bases of terminology or outline the specifics of Ukrainian and named narrow specialized educational books.


The article presents results of the research of themes of Ukrainian-language terms fixed in numerous articles, books and reports during scientific conferences since 1958 till 2018 by 156 Olexandra Serbenska, the famous representative of Ukrainian scholl of terminology, valid member of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society, professor of Lviv Ivan Franko national university, distinguished professor of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, academician of Ukrainian academy of higher education.