traffic congestion

Road users detection for traffic congestion classification

One of the important problems that urban residents suffer from is Traffic Congestion.  It makes their life more stressful, it impacts several sides including the economy: by wasting time, fuel and productivity.  Moreover, the psychological and physical health.  That makes road authorities required to find solutions for reducing traffic congestion and guaranteeing security and safety on roads.  To this end, detecting road users in real-time allows for providing features and information about specific road points.  These last are useful for road managers and also for road users about congeste

Routing transportation with advanced technology

Defined purpose logistics which is improves the efficiency of the organization and the economics. The necessity of developing several options for routes, due to the delay of cars in traffic jams and unnecessary fuel consumption of vehicles experiencing significant losses. The essence of traffic congestion and its many negative consequences, such as a waste of time, the inability to predict the exact time of the trip, wasted fuel pollutes the air, etc. Demonstrated by the example of company “Kyivkhlib” cargo transportation in the city on three routes and suggests optimal.