trip duration

Study of time indicators of public transport operation depending on the season of the year

Mobility problems in large cities of Ukraine and Eastern Europe are complicated by the fact that the increase of private transport  volume significantly exceeds street and road network`s capacity. This is most noticeable during peak periods in terms of daylight hours and throughout the year. From the point of sustainable mobility view, this negative phenomenon significantly affects urban public transport, which does not have separate dedicated traffic lines. This article analyzes the issue regarding the deterioration of the transport situation in large cities.

Analysis of demand for public transport service in Lviv city

The demand for public transport on the example of Lviv city is analyzed in the paper. The aim of the trip, the duration of the trip, vehicle occupancy rate, walking approach to the stop, and the choice of public transport mode are determined as the main impact factors. The questioning of 1100 users of public transport is carried out.