Special economic zones: foreign experience and perspectives for Ukraine

The actual problem of creation and functioning of special economic zones (SEZ ). We study the experience of Poland, where currently there are 14 SEZs, the invested 100 billion zlotys of foreign investments created several hundred thousand jobs. We develop the statistics on the dynamics of SEZ in Poland and the investors. The discussion questions are marked on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the SEZ. In Ukraine, currently there are 10 SEZs , involving about 600 million dollars of foreign investment.

On the assessment of groundwater pollution using electrometric methods

The results of electrometric research in the mining industrial district of Kalush are presented. The method of transition from electric resistance to mineralization considering the comparison of results from borehole testing was used by authors. The map of degree of groundwater mineralization within the study area was constructed according to the interpretation of VEZ based on transition formulas from electric resistance to mineralization.