
Criminological portrait personality violent criminalwho commits crimes, sexual motives

In the article a meaningful portrait of criminological personality violent criminal who commits violent crimes, sexual motives. We describe the social component of Criminology portrait personality violent criminal who commits violent crimes, sexual motives. Describing the psychological component of Criminology portrait personality violent offender, focuses on the moral and psychological qualities, dominant traits, social origin deviation.

Regulation of responsibility for crimes sign composed of violence in the history of criminal law

This paper examines the regulation of responsibility for crimes sign composed of Violence in the history of criminal law; investigated trends in the use of guidelines on violence in the monuments of criminal law; in historical perspective defined the notion of violence.

Violence as a political and legal program in theoretical concepts of marxism and its social consequences

The problem of violence in the theoretical concepts of Karl Marx and Friadrich Engels, as political and legal program dictatorship of the proletariat, role of the army and police in bourgeois and socialist society, implementation of Marxist ideals dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR and its social consequences.

The concept and criminological characteristics of “sex crimes”

The paper developed the concept of “sexual abuse”. Criminological proved the feasibility of using this terminology designs. It was found current trends, dynamics, level and other important figures of modern criminological characteristics of “sex crimes” committed on the territory of Ukraine. Generalized conclusions about the prospects of criminological information obtained.

Foreign experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of violence

This paper examines the international experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of Violence; it turns out that penal importance is the concept of “violence” under the laws of the adjacent former Soviet and those countries which have a decisive influence on foreign law; in turn set its content and scope.

The genesis of the concept of violence in the theory of criminal law

The article discusses the history of the concept of violence in the theory of criminal law. The modern approach to the interpretation of criminal violence. Attention is focused on the main features of the concept of violence that are important for the correct legal assessment of the criminal acts. Generalized conclusion about the priority and importance of criminal law approach to the definition of domestic violence related jurisprudence.

Historical and legal aspects of research problems of criminal violent behavior of the person

In the article the analysis of looks of scientists is conducted in relation to reasons and terms of distribution of various kinds and forms of criminal violent behavior, ownvision of author is given in relation to the investigatedproblem.

Scientific interpretations of terrorism as a destructive system-social event

This article is devoted to uncovering the phenomena of terrorism – one of the unsolved humane problems of XXI century. Terrorismin all its displaying is danger to different countries ant its population. Global terrorism is cause of important political and economical wastes. This phenomena influence by psychological affect to the population, takes many peoples own life.

Integrative function of criminology in the sciences about man

In this paper the issues the problem of criminal violence, its manifestations and types. The various aspects of violence are increasingly attracting the attention of not only lawyers, but also specialists from other disciplines – psychology, philosophy, sociology and so on. This is provides a comprehensive analysis of the given phenomenon.