
Investigation of crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies of Ukraine

In order to improve the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by convicts in the correctional colonies of Ukraine, to solve problematic issues that arise during the investigation of such crimes, there was a need to develop new scientifically based recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of combating crime, in particular recidivism, as well as improvement of the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of the pretrial investigation body during the investigation of such crimes.

Вплив міжмолекулярних взаємодій на сумісність полівінілхлориду і полістиролу у діестерфталатних пластифікаторах

The influence of component composition and nature of plasticizer on the nature of intermolecular interactions in the system polyvinyl chloride - polystyrene - diesterphtalate and optical properties of polymer solutions is ascertained. The influence of intermolecular interactions on the compatibility parameter between macromolecules is revealed. Встановлений вплив компонентного складу і природи пластифікатора на характер міжмолекулярних взаємодій у системі полівінілхлорид – полістирол – діестерфталат та оптичні характеристики розчинів полімерів.