
Controversial issues of the subjective party of the criminal offense provided for in art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Controversial issues of the subjective side of the composition of a criminal offense under Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were considered. It is noted that for the characterization of robbery, the subjective side of the commission of this criminal offense is important.

and life and deleuze and literature (Comments to Ukrainian Translation of the Deleuze’s Essay “Literature and Life”)

Gilles Deleuze's “Literature and Life” was published in 1993 in the collection of essays "Critics and Clinique". The essay is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. In the essay, the French philosopher demonstrates his own interpretation of literature and literary process. The text is full of concepts and ideas developed and offered by Deleuze in his previous works: “Proust and Signs”, “Logic of Sense”, “Zola and the Crack-up”, “Anti-Oedipus”, “Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature”, “A Thousand Plateaus”, “and Dialogues”.