зовнішньоекономічна діяльність підприємства

Planning the costs of ensuring the quality parameters of the enterprise’s products in the conditions of foreign economic activit

The problems of cost planning for ensuring the quality parameters of the enterprise's products in the conditions of foreign economic activity are investigated. The reasons for the introduction of key principles of quality management in the technology of planning costs to ensure the quality parameters of products are identified. Recommendations for the introduction of assortment policy planning based on the gradation of costs and quality parameters of products at the enterprise in the conditions of foreign economic activity are formed.

The efficacy management systems economic security – subjects of foreign trade

Article systematized methodical approaches to the estimation of economic security, interpretation proposed copyright of basic concepts, such as: economic security - is a state enterprise, where it has sufficient resources, access to markets, competitive advantages for achieving the development goals, mission and compete in the long term.