It analyses main problems of Ukraine's accession to the EU. Issues of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the requirements and standards of the European Community. Noted that adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU legislation consists in the approximation of national legislation with contemporary European legal system which would ensure development of political, entrepreneurial, social, cultural activity of Ukrainian citizens, economic development of the state within the EU, will contribute to a gradual increase in the standard of living of the population. Adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of international organizations is realized by authorized organs of state power through law-making, planning, coordination and control. Adaptation is a component of the integration process, prerequisite for the harmonization of national legislation with that of international organizations
1. [Implementaciya of Agreement is about an association between Ukraine and ES point-of-sale and budgetary-tax spheres] Trudy of international conference «Agreement about an association: economic trigeri» on March, 12, 2015. it is the International center of long-range researches (MCPD) 43 p. Available at: http:// 2. Parkhomenko N. M. Garmonizaciya legislations of Ukraine with the European and international right: methods, stages, kinds [Publ Magazine of the Kievan university of right] – 2012, Vol. 1, pp. 338–342. 3. Materials of the Governmental portal. Available at: 4. About the National program of adaptation of legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of European Union [A law of Ukraine is from] March, 18, 2004. № 1629-IV. Available at: 5. Conception of adaptation of legislation of Ukraine is to the legislation of European Union. [Decision of Cabinet Ukraine from linden-trees, July, 16, 1999. № 1496 [the Official announcer of Ukraine] – 1999. – N 33, p. 168. 6. About measures on perfection of normotvorchei activity of organs of executive power [A decree of President of Ukraine is from], February, 9, 1999 № 145. Available at: