International-Legal Practice оf Mobilization аnd the Method оf Assisting the Armed Forces

: 281-297

Цитування за ДСТУ:  Чистоклетов Л. (2024) Міжнародно–правова практика мобілізації та способу комплектування Збройних Сил. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том. 11, № 3 (43), С. 281-297. DOI:

Citation APA: Chystokletov L. (2024) International-Legal Practice оf Mobilization аnd the Method оf Assisting the Armed Forces. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 3 (43), С. 281-297. DOI:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the mobilization process in the
United States of America, Great Britain, Finland, and the Baltic countries, the practice of which has its
own specifics associated with national traditions, the conditions of military and reserve service, the
geographical location of the country, and other characteristic features.
It is noted that the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine forces most European
countries to take urgent measures aimed at changing the methods of mobilization for war, as well as
shifting the economy to the production of military equipment and the implementation of organizational
and legal forms and methods of conscription and replenishment of mobilization resources as in their own
countries and in NATO.
It has been proven that when a decision is made on the mobilization deployment of the armed
forces in the USA, the draft of men is carried out in 6 stages, which include organizational and legal
actions aimed at the adoption by Congress of relevant amendments to the mobilization legislation, the
procedure for the draft of specific persons based on the drawing of a lottery, the implementation of
attestation persons and enlistment of conscripts for active service. The right to serve in the United States,
on the basis of secondary education, has all citizens of the United States and citizens of other states who
permanently reside in the state.
Staffing of the army of Great Britain is mainly carried out on a professional basis. However, the
government of the kingdom, in order to reduce the level of crime, youth unemployment and the Russian
threat to the West, is inclined to return mandatory military service to the country in 2025. Candidates for
joining the army mobilization reserve are recruited by the Military Information and Career Bureau.
It is outlined that the armed forces of Scandinavia and the Baltic States, in contrast to the armies
of the United States and Great Britain, continue to expand the conscription process due to the increased
threat from Russia. Thus, the order of recruitment of the armed forces of Finland is carried out on the
basis of the Law “On Conscription for Military Service”, in Latvia the mobilization process is regulated
by the Law "On Military Service", Lithuania conducts military conscription in accordance with the Law
“On Military Conscription”, and in Estonia the legal basis of the defense of the country is regulated by
the Law “On Military Service”.
It has been proven that military servicemen, conscripts and reservists are mainly criminal,
administrative, disciplinary and materially responsible for violating mobilization legislation in NATO
It is noted that the domestic mobilization legislation requires targeted legal support, adaptive
military management and a complex and systemic approach to the organization of the mobilization

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