Suggested a new redaction of the article of Code of Criminal Procedure about of the evidence, their properties and sources and of order of working with them. Presented is the essence of the evidence, their sources and the basis main and an additional the legal properties of the evidence. Defined the subjects and the procedure for obtaining of evidence and the subjects, that can assist in this work. Shown an exhaustive list of investigative and judicial actions to obtaining of the evidence. Suggested a comprehensive list of forms of presentation, evaluation and use of the evidence.
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5. Lantsedova Yu. O. Sutnist' i poslidovnist' roboty z osobystisnymy i rechovymy dokaziv u kryminal'nomu sudochynstvi : dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.09 “Kryminal'nyy protses ta kryminalistyka; sudova ekspertyza; operatyvno-rozshukova diyal'nist'” [Nature and sequence of work and personal evidence in criminal proceedings: Dis. ... Candidate. Legal. Sciences specials. 12.00.09 “The Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics; forensics; operatively-search activity ”]. Yuliya Oleksandrivna Lantsedova; Khark. nats. un-t vn. sprav. Kharkiv , 2009. 229 p.
6. Lantsedova Yu. A. Novaya doktrina suschnosti dokazatelstv, ih svoystv i istochnikov, sub'ektov, poryadka i deystviy po ih polucheniyu i form operirovaniya imi [The new doctrine of the essence of the evidence of their properties and sources, subjects, procedures and actions for their preparation and their forms of operating]. Yu. A. Lantsedova, S. A. Kirichenko. Pershi Mykolayivs'ki yurydychni dyskusiyi: materialy Mizhnarodn. nauk.-prakt. konfer. z nahody 20-richchya Konstytutsiyi Ukrayiny, 18.05.2016 r. Zb. nauk. st. Mykolayiv : MNU imeni V. O. Sukhomlyns'koho Publ, 2016.
pp. 134-140.
7. Tuntula O. S. Otrymannya dokaziv ta formy yikh predstavlennya, otsinky ta vykorystannya u kryminal'nomu provadzhenni Ukrayiny : dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.09 “Kryminal'nyy protses i kryminalistyka; sudova ekspertyza; operatyvno-rozshukova diyal'nist'” [Getting the evidence and form of their presentation, evaluation and use in criminal proceedings of Ukraine: Dis. ... Candidate. Legal. Sciences specials. 12.00.09 “The criminal process and criminalistics; forensics; operatively-search activity”]. Oleksandra Serhiyivna Tuntula; Natsional'na akademiya prokuratury Ukrayiny. Kyiv, 2013. 233 p.